Thursday 12 May 2016

For a child the world is as beautiful as the Mother

Motherhood such a life changing experience. It’s overwhelming, not difficult but demanding, but you will never even for a sec complain about it. That’s the beauty of Motherhood, it melts you literally, for me it has made me happier joyous. Innocence, affection, love, these words now are much more than the meaning, they are real feelings now.

I am writing this to share my experience with the new Moms and to be moms, while pregnant I enjoyed reading real stories from moms across the world on the web, so my attempt to give back.
For a child the world is as beautiful as the Mother. So be kind, love a lot, keep smiling, be happy, make faces, do the animated talks. Lift up, cuddle, and sing. My personal belief love never spoils indiscipline does. Be prepared you will hear lots of stories from the veterans – how their baby had achieved developmental milestones way ahead of time. Do not get carried away- I always tell people mine is a human child and has got no super human genes ( I only get see super human movies J );   will achieve all the developmental milestones at a natural pace. All kids are different, they have different ways of doing things, some achieve some milestones early, some take their own time, some run through all milestones at once. So enjoy their infancy and let them have their own time to explore themselves and the world around.

 “Perfect mom”.  You want that title right, but from whom? No point in toiling it out to impress others.   Just be a happy Mom to a happy and healthy baby, and that’s what the perfection in motherhood is all about. There are no best practices apart from the ones recommended by docs, to massage once or twice or thrice, to bathe once or twice, to put in a cradle or to co sleep, to bottle-feed or not to bottle-feed, to use diapers or not to use, whatever works best for you and your baby in maintaining health and hygiene is the best practice.

Please follow Pediatrician’s advice. If need be consult two three and then choose one that is best suited for you. A lot of ppl especially older ones will tell “ Let the doctor say we had many kids we used to do it this way”  Find your way out of this and let them know times have changed, and yes docs are sitting there for a reason.

Every new mom will learn it the hard way, like I did, Babies do cry, sometimes they cry a lot. Try not to be too concerned about it, (I am still trying: P ) soon you will discover ways to soothe your baby and learn the terms- colic gassiness growth spurts and blame it all to them. If the crying doesn’t stop, visit the ped, don’t know what it is with the ped , babies feel fine just by seeing them , most of the time it would be nothing. There are lots of parenting apps available, it’s worth to have one. You will find lot of ideas to engage with the baby and useful info about various growth stages. If you like to read, read the poem Baby’s way by Rabindranath Tagore. And if you like to read, do all the reading before baby comes, you will hardly get anytime to do the reading afterwards.

Do breastfeed. There is a lot to be said about this a lot. Please consult your doctor about breastfeeding, beforehand, before delivery, ask all the questions you would have, like does it hurt, is it necessary, anything that comes to your mind , do ask if the hospital staff is updated on lactation practices. I can write another blog on this. But here are the few important points – lactation is the function of mind, every women can breastfeed, and every women needs to learn it. Go to a secluded place, engage with the baby, put on some nice music and feed. Feed on demand.  It’s basically supply and demand principle, the more you feed the more you produce. I followed these tips and it all worked very well for me.
For some reason if you cannot just don’t stress about it. It’s alright, remember most important thing – Happy Mommy Happy Baby.

To be a working Mom or a stay at home mom , you will get a lot of advice, but decide what’s good for you and your family and remember you are not answerable to anyone else on this , your baby your life your decision. Many people will talk what kind of a mother you are , that you left the baby at crèche , or they will complain that you left a worthy career and doing the household chores ; don’t bother at all they will judge you anyways. Take your own decisions after all you are a mother now, you need to be strong decisive and thoughtful.

Last but important thing, I have thoroughly enjoyed my pregnancy, not that there were no red flags or ups and down, in fact there were way too many , and now I am enjoying my life every moment with my son and the credit to make it all so beautiful and comfortable for me goes to my family. My mom especially, see the motherhood at play. So my suggestion would be, yes you would need support and help so be at a place where you are comfortable and happy. Your feelings resonate with the child, trust me it does, in the womb and as well as once they are out.

So Mommies enjoy, you are a creator and nurturer. You are going to shape up the child you bear, with your thoughts actions and decisions. Make the child feel this world is about love and liveliness. And as my sis in law always puts it out –“ its your chance to relive your childhood with the baby”, don’t miss on that, have fun , do crazy things with the baby they love it, but remember the mess has to be cleared by you .. J Love all.

Anmay’s Mom - Anamika

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