A place, whose significance was
due to the fact that Pandavas performed penance here to be relieved of sins of
massacre, and to please Lord Shiva who was upset with them for being the reason
for the bloodbath that happened in the war of Mahabharata, that place has today
in itself become the reason of one of the deadliest massacre. This cannot be
without purpose. This is some kind of signal or reprimand for sure. Was this
nature’s way of telling us to see the Supreme in nature and naturalness?
One of the holiest places in India
today has turned into the scariest place. A place where thousands of people
gather every year to pray, they come with faith and love. The aura, the
vibrations, energy around that place and the atmosphere there is supposed to be
so tranquil. On the main gates of the temple where the devotees stand with
folded hands full of devotion is today full of corpses of those devotees. It was as if Mother Nature was angry with us
and this is how she showed her fury and punished us. But how can a Mother be so
cruel to her own children?
We had seen such type of calamity
some time back in Allahabad during Kumbh Mela. And every year we get to hear
the news of people dying in such holy places or on the way to such places, due
to stampede, due to accidents etc, but this time it wasn’t an accident, it
wasn’t a stampede, it was not due to a human error, as we always tell ourselves
and move ahead. It was as if Mother Nature did this deliberately, angrily, ferociously.
There are some questions that come
up in my mind every time I hear any such incident and this time they have
become louder. Is there something
seriously wrong in our religious practices? Is the Mother Nature unhappy with us?
This time has she sent a direct signal and big and evident one by blowing away
one of the biggest sacred places? Is this a question we should put on our beliefs?
Is the Mother Nature unhappy with the abuse done to her for our selfish motives?
I believe a Mother can get this
furious only when something very wrong is being done to her children or by her
children. We are all her children, Was
she fed up with our degraded morality? Was she fed up with our demands of
trivial worldly things from her, was she fed up of our sleeping conscience and
insensitivities towards her and towards each other? Murders, rapes, and deceptions all such
heinous crimes are prevalent and dominant in our society; and with all this we
contaminate her sacred home, which is not just confined to few places but it is
the entire earth. We must know the
nature to be the manifestation of Supreme, respect it, love it and preserve it.
Efforts should be to make environment we live in as ‘sacred’ through our thoughts
and actions. Imagine if each home is like temple and one can feel love and
austerity in every home. We won’t need to travel to other places in search of
divinity. Holy places are those places where someone with good deeds and steady
mind realized the ultimate truth; they felt the presence of Supreme there. The
energies at those places are of course divine, but we need to prepare our self
to be able to receive and benefit from such a place eternally. And not just go and ask for some worldly gain.
That would in true sense be pilgrimage. Those
people who suffered and died are just the victim of the collective immorality,
irresponsibility and insensitivity of the society. It’s high time we learn our
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